LeadingAge Ohio Leadership & Staff
LeadingAge Ohio Board of Directors Officers
Kristi Strawser - ChairEverHeart Hospice | Rich Boyson, Jr. - TreasurerEliza Jennings |
Allison Salopeck - Immediate Past ChairJennings | Rick Marshall - Vice ChairGenacross Lutheran Services |
Eric Murray - SecretaryHeritage Manor - Youngstown Area Jewish Federation | Brett Kirkpatrick - Advocacy ChairCommunity First Solutions |
Current Board Members
Denise Anderson - First TermNational Church Residences | Salli Bollin - First TermMemoryLane Care Services |
Scott Buchanan - Second TermThe Ohio Masonic Home | Ann Conn - Second TermMcGregor |
Rich Limongi - First TermShepherd of the Valley Lutheran Retirement Services | David Mannion - First TermCopeland Oaks |
Gayle Mattson - Second TermHospice of Cincinnati | Jason Miller - First TermOtterbein Senior Lifestyle Choices |
Lynn Mock - First TermHospice of the Western Reserve | April Queener - First TermMohun Health Care Center |
Rick Russell - Second TermHospice of Northwest Ohio | Bob Stillman - First TermOhio Living |
Chris Widman - Second TermGood Shepherd Home |
Participation on a LeadingAge Ohio committee is one of the most significant ways members can have a direct impact on the future of our association. It’s also one of the most meaningful and rewarding ways to develop relationships with fellow leaders in the field of aging services. Through our Committees, members direct the association's work on the key questions facing the aging services field.
Advocacy Committee
Advocacy Committee
Chair: Rick Marshall, President/CEO of Genacross Lutheran Services
The Advocacy Committee provides direction and guidance related to policy and regulation for all service lines LeadingAge Ohio represents. The Advocacy Committee is informed by the work of six subcommittees, each focused on a separate service line within LeadingAge Ohio's membership. The chair of each subcommittee sits on and reports to the Advocacy Committee.
Home Health/Hospice/HCBS Subommittee
Chair: Jeff Lycan, Executive Vice President of Mission Advocacy, Ohio's Hospice
Adult Day Subcommittee
Chair: Salli Bollin, Executive Director, Memory Lane Care Services
Affordable Housing Subcommittee
Chair: Lisa Berkemeier, HUD Housing Administrator, Graceworks Lutheran Services
SNF/AL Reimbursement & Finance Subcommittee
Chair: Chris Green, VP Finance/CFO, Otterbein SeniorLife
SNF/AL Clinical/Operations Subcommittee
Chair: TBD
Billing & Eligibility Subcommittee
Chair: Lisa Macartney, Director of Finance & Health Plan Operations, McGregor
Awards Committee
The Professional Recognition Awards committee develops the criteria by which annual awards are presented.
Chair: Michele Engelbach, CEO, Ohio Eastern Star Home
Budget & Finance Committee
The Budget and Finance Committee shall provide financial expertise and direction related to the finances of the association.
Chair: Ann Conn, President/CEO, McGregor Foundation
Communications/PR Committee
The Communications/Public Relations Committee shall provide guidance to LeadingAge Ohio in the area of marketing the association and providing value added communication to all service lines.
Chair: Lisa Brazytis, Chief Marketing Officer, Jennings
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources committee responds to member needs for networking, information sharing, best practices in work force development and retention and oversees the LeadingAge Ohio Employer of Choice program.
Membership Committee
The Membership Value Committee shall provide guidance as to what brings value to LAO members and provide advice to assist LAO in retaining members across all service lines.
Chair: Barbara Thomas, President/CEO, Kendal at Oberlin
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee of the LeadingAge Ohio Board of Directors prepares the annual slate of nominees to replace those whose terms will soon be expiring.
Chair: Cynthia Bougher, President/CEO, Valley Hospice
PAC Committee
The purpose of the LeadingAge Ohio PAC is to accept voluntary political contributions from Qualified Individual Contributors and expend those contributions to advance the goals and interests of the PAC and/or its members by supporting candidates for state and local office, regardless of party affiliation.
Jeff Lycan, Executive Vice President of Mission Advocacy, Ohio's Hospice
Mike Ray, President/CEO, Green Hills Community
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee shall guide and develop the educational offerings for all LeadingAge Ohio service lines.
Norm Mast, President/CEO, Community Hospice
Darrell Miller, Director of Sales Support and Administrative Services, Link-age Solutions, LLC
LeadingAge Ohio Staff & Advisors
LeadingAge Ohio has assembled a knowledgeable and dedicated team to assist members, the public, elected officials and the media with questions, concerns and inquiries on aging services for older Ohioans. For assistance, please use the following list to directly contact the proper LeadingAge Ohio team member.
Susan Wallace, MSW, LSW
President / CEO
- Staff oversight, fiscal & operations of organization
- Primary contact for policy priority development & advocacy
- Staff liaison to Advocacy Committee, Nursing Facility/Assisted Living Reimbursement, Billing/eligibility and Clinical/ Operations Subcommittees
Debbie Boggs, RN
Education Specialist
- Manages all aspects of education for the association
- Ensures all aspects of the Continuing Education (CE) process are followed
- Assists with the planning and development of all the association sponsored/co-sponsored educational programs
- Works with internal and external customers and members to ensure professional development functions
Lindsey Buzzard, MBA, LNHA
Director of Home Health and Hospice
- Reviews state and federal policies and regulations and provides technical and regulatory support to Home Health and Hospice members
- Works with state and federal agencies and regulatory bodies to develop policy and rules for home health and hospice industry
- Provides education for hospice and palliative care providers related to regulatory and operational issues
Stephanie DeWees, HSE, LNHA, LPN, IP, RAC-CT, BS-Health Services
Quality & Regulatory Specialist - Long Term Care
- Supports planning and execution of the association's education initiatives for long term care
- Provides resources for quality and regulatory strategies
- Offers 911 survey support
- Facilitates networking opportunities through regional events
- Provides training on state and national trends, initiatives and enforcement
- Staff liaison to Professional Development Committee and SNF/AL Subcommittee
Eli Faes
Director of Public Policy
- Develop and implement policy positions, build relationships with policymakers, and lead advocacy efforts with members and stakeholders.
- Enhance member value through education, services, and engagement while gathering feedback and promoting LeadingAge Ohio offerings.
- Conduct research, analyze data, and develop evidence-based policy positions to support member interests and advance the organization's mission.
Randi Hamill
Director of Workforce Development & Initiatives
(614) 545-9026
- Develop and implement workforce development solutions for provider members, connect members with key partners who can assist them in addressing workforce challenges.
- Enhance member value through education, services, and engagement while gathering feedback and promoting LeadingAge Ohio offerings.
- Conduct research, analyze data, and develop evidence-based workforce development initiatives to support member interests and advance the organization's mission.
Molly Homan
Director of Operations
(614) 746-9914
- Oversees communication and media strategy and association branding
- Point of contact for media relations
- Supports grassroots and other association initiatives through communication channels
Laurinda Johnson
Membership & Communications Coordinator
- Collaborates on communications and social media strategies
- Collaborates on membership onboarding, recruitment and retention strategies
- Coordinates STARS program
Corey Markham
Director of Education and Business Development
614-545-9015 (office) 614-805-9663 (cell)
- Event Coordination
- Coordinates educational events, working with procuring speakers, working with host locations/facilities, assisting with the CE process, and assisting with the advertising and registration process
- Assists with producing the Annual Conference preparation as well as onsite activities
- Assists with ensuring education programs align with CE credentialing requirements
- Interfaces with external and internal customers and members and those who support professional development functions
- Associate Membership/Partner Program staff liaison
- Point of contact for Trade Show
- Manages office technology systems
- Oversees maintenance of office operations and production
Anne Shelley, MBA, BSN, RN
Director of Home Health/Hospice Regulatory Relations
- Reviews state and federal policies and regulations and provides technical and regulatory support to Home Health and Hospice members
- Works with state and federal agencies and regulatory bodies to develop policy and rules for the home health and hospice industry
- Provides education for hospice and palliative care providers related to regulatory and operational issue
Pete Thompson
- Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Payable
- Staff liaison to Budget & Finance Committee
Rachel Wolfe
Executive Assistant
- Provides administrative support to CEO Susan Wallace
- Assists with purchasing and event coordination for in-person meetings and webinars
- Prepares reports, presentations, and manages information
David Paragas
Advocacy Consultant
(614) 628-1407
- Partner with Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Columbus office, serves as LeadingAge Ohio’s lead legislative and regulatory representative and grassroots coordinator
- Primary liaison to the LeadingAge Ohio Advocacy Committee
Bridget McAuliffe
Advocacy Consultant
(614) 628-1415
- Lobbyist within Barnes & Thornburg LLP’s Columbus office, serves as LeadingAge Ohio’s lead legislative and regulatory representative and grassroots coordinator
- Primary liaison to the LeadingAge Ohio Advocacy Committee