2025 LeadingAge Ohio Annual Conference:
Call for Presentations - Closed
- Home health/Hospice
- Strategy/Innovation
- Clinical/Quality
- Reimbursement
- Marketing/Communications
- Philanthropy
- Leadership Development
- Technology/AI/Predictive Analysis
- Workforce Development
LeadingAge Ohio is not able to pay honorariums or reimburse presenters responding to the Call for Presentations for hotel, travel, or per diem expenses. However, Primary Presenters receive complimentary registration for the day of presentation and Member pricing for additional days. Co-presenters will be offered Member pricing registration fees for all days, unless they only attend their presentation session.
Please ask your I.T. department "whitelist" LeadingAgeOhio.org to ensure you receive notification emails.
Presentation Proposal Submission Guidelines
LeadingAge Ohio urges submitters to consider the following as they develop content and identify speakers for proposed sessions.
Proposals that are incomplete or submitted late cannot be considered for review.
Submission Limits:
- An individual can submit a maximum of two proposals and be included as an additional speaker/panelist in proposals submitted by other organizations.
- Content changes cannot be made to a proposal or additional information included once it has been submitted.
- Proposal cannot be accepted once the submission site closes; no deadline extensions or exceptions will be granted. January 24.
Important Considerations:
- Tailor the information to the intended audience; be specific about the topic's relevance and applicability to a specific setting or professional discipline.
- Avoid focusing your session content on a specific product or service; describe what you do and how it can benefit providers.
Evaluation Criteria
A peer review committee of LeadingAge Ohio members, experts in the field and association staff will review all proposal submissions using the following criteria:
- Overall quality, clarity and depth of session content
- Relevance of topic and applicability of concepts to aging services providers
- Presentation delivery and/or education methods that enhance the learning experience
- Experienced and knowledgeable speakers, as well as diversity of perspectives represented
How to Submit a Presentation Proposal
Applications for presentation proposals are being accepted through Friday, January 24, 2025 for LeadingAge Ohio's 2025 Annual Conference and Trade Show, August 26-28, 2025 in Columbus. Complete the online form by clicking the link below.
Questions regarding the Call for Presentations? Contact Corey Markham at cmarkham@leadingageohio.org.