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Unite with LeadingAge Ohio, Aging Leaders for Advocacy Day at the Ohio Statehouse

The Ohio General Assembly needs to hear from you this budget season! 

As reported earlier this week, the Governor unveiled his SFY 2026-2027 budget priorities, officially kicking off the 2025 budget season. The “Blue Book - a summary document of the biennial budget - included flat funding across aging services, preserving important investments achieved in the last budget. As the budget moves through the chambers, we must protect those important investments by educating our lawmakers with real-world stories and experiences in aging services. 

LeadingAge Ohio’s Advocacy Day on April 1 is the only grassroots event this budget season where aging service providers can come together to share their stories with Ohio’s lawmakers. Structured for both seasoned and new advocates, the day will include an issues brief in the morning, legislator visits, lunch with legislators and a panel of policymakers, statehouse tours, and opportunities to meet other leaders in the aging network. Attendees may also take advantage of training opportunities on issue messaging and the do’s and don’ts of meeting with legislators prior to Advocacy Day.

This is the opportunity for LeadingAge Ohio members to make an impact and have our voices heard. The bigger our crowd, the bigger impact our voices will have. That’s why LeadingAge Ohio has issued a challenge to our membership to fill the Statehouse Atrium with 100 provider attendees to ensure our presence is felt and funding is protected! Bring members of your team for an empowering day of advocacy on April 1. Click here to register today!

Learn more about the executive budget during the February 17th Advocacy in Action call.

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