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LeadingAge Ohio Open Positions Survey confirms stark workforce needs, turnover data shared

Whether we point to “the great resignation”, the vaccine mandate, or other factors, workforce is the top issue facing every LeadingAge Ohio member. In late 2021, the LeadingAge Ohio Board of Directors asked that LeadingAge Ohio develop a quarterly pulse survey on open positions to inform our advocacy with the latest data. The data confirmed that there are stark workforce needs across LeadingAge Ohio’s membership. 

Eighty-two member organizations responded to the Open Position Survey that asked for data from September 1 and December 1. Respondents reported that as of December 1, 2021, the organizations had 2,541 open positions. These open positions had grown in number from September 1, 2021 and reflect on average, over 30% of the full-time equivalents (FTE) budgeted by the responding organizations. 

021022 XPS Chart Table Open Positions

Over 75% of respondents reported clinical staff (STNAs & nursing) as being the hardest positions to fill, followed by dietary, social work, and environmental services staff.

Turnover data 

In addition, below is a chart shared by LeadingAge NY which has the turnover rate for RNs (as a percentage), the turnover rate for all nursing staff (RN, LPN, CNA as a percentage), and the turnover rate for administrators as a number. In general, nonprofits are shown to have less turnover, although it was noted the data require further review. 

KLB Turnover Table

Note: to qualify in the definition of “turnover’, a worker needs to work 120 hours to be counted in the denominator. Once counted in the denominator, CMS counts the worker in the numerator if they are out of the PBJ data for 60 days. The data above reflects the base quarter in Q4 of 2020 compared to quarters Q1 2021 – Q4 2021, plus some data from Q1 2022. CMS uses PBJ data for this calculation.

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