
November 1, 2017

Healthcare Day @ The Summit

Information Security Summit

Cleveland I-X Center, 1 I-X Center Drive Cleveland, OH 44135

Healthcare Day @ The Summit

The largest gathering of healthcare administrators and IT professionals around the VERY hot topic of data governance and protecting PHI/HIPAA records.

Long-term care administrators need to be ahead of this growing issue, and the only way to combat breaches is through education to and collaboration with the latest resources and key opinion leaders!

If there is a chance to reach your membership one more time with a reminder flyer and a I would appreciate it!

 Features of the Day

  • External Challenges: “Breach Response”
  • Big Data Challenges: “Privacy and Compliance”
  • Security Recommendations for Acute and
    Long-Term Care Facilities
  • Top 3 Things that Keep Senior Healthcare
    Executives up at Night
  • Ransomware Challenges & Preventative Practices
  • The biggest reception night of the week,
    Xceptional MidWeek Mixer and Casino

    PLUS Expert Insights to the Latest in:
    • Cyber Insurance
    • Liability and Incident Response
    • AND a HIPAA Privacy Panel Discussion among
    Hospital CISO’s

Visit the Summit's website for all the details!

How to Register

Register Now!

Use special discount CODE: "SponsorVIP"

 Download the flyer.


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