Call for Speakers
Accepting for: Spring 2025 Conference & Trade Show
Date: Tuesday, May 13- Wednesday, May 14, 2025
Location: Hilton Columbus at Easton
3900 Chagrin Drive
Columbus, OH 43215
We are seeking proposals relevant to all areas of assisted living, including but not limited to:
Speaker Benefits
Speakers (including co-presenters) will be granted complimentary conference registration and networking events. Specialty certifications and other workshops are not included.
Speakers can receive a discounted exhibitor booth at the Trade Show, if desired.
Speakers will receive professional exposure on our website and will be featured on public platforms for Social Media conference advertisement. Speakers may be featured in conference brochures and email campaigns to OALA members.
A conference attendee list will be provided after the conference. Please note: email addresses will not be included.
Session Speaker Expectations
Providing excellent educational sessions is at the heart of the Ohio Assisted Living Association’s platform, as such we look for session presenters who are willing to share their expertise without the expectation of payment. Confirmed session speakers will not be compensated for their conference participation and will be responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses.
Session speakers agree that presenting a session is an opportunity to share information. Sessions are not for the promotion of business, practice, service, or product. NO sales pitches are allowed during presentations or sessions.
Speakers are expected to present in person and to bring their PowerPoint slide deck presentation loaded on a mobile drive and be available sixty (60) minutes before the session start time.
Speakers agree to make no substantial changes to content, format, audio/visual needs, room set-up, identity or number of presenters, date, or time without prior approval.
Speakers agree to design and provide high-quality PowerPoint presentations, in electronic format, by the deadline given to make available to conference attendees.
Speakers permit OALA to record audio and/or video sessions to post to the OALA website for the purchase of on-demand learning, or otherwise using the recording and/or video at a later time in any product or media.