Effective August 1, 2016, the Ohio Department of Medicaid has updated the form and process for completing the ODM 9401, previously the Facility CDJFS Transmittal. Depending on the type of request and/or update, nursing facilities (NF) will submit the ODM 9401 to either:
The PASSPORT Administrative Agency (PAA),
The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM); or
The County Department of Job and Family Services (CDJFS)
What is NOT Changing?
Submission of the new ODM 9401 will continue to go to CDJFS on admission, discharge and change of patient income or assets.
Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) requirements are not changing with this updated form
NF is still required to submit PAS and receive an approval prior to facility admission
The process for a NF to submit a LOC request (ODM 3697 or alternative form) is not changing
PAAs will continue to communicate Preadmission Review (PAR) results to the NFs as they do today
The NF shall submit the ODM 9401 to the PAA within their region for any fee-for-service (FFS) NF stay of greater than 90 days OR for a new Medicaid applicant.
Do not submit for Medicaid Managed Care or MyCare Ohio
Do not submit if less than 90 days or if person is already Medicaid eligible
The NF shall submit the form to ODM for any FFS discharge.
In the coming weeks, ODM will hold informational webinars for stakeholders on this updated process. The following documents review the changes, and ODM encourages providers to review them before the webinar, to generate questions and maximize the utility of each webinar.
Please note: these documents are not final and may be subject to change prior to the webinar date.