
August 3, 2016
2:00PM - 3:00PM

ODM 9401 Facility Communication Webinar

Effective August 1, 2016, the Ohio Department of Medicaid has updated the form and process for completing the ODM 9401, previously the Facility CDJFS Transmittal.  Depending on the type of request and/or update, nursing facilities (NF) will submit the ODM 9401 to either:

What is NOT Changing?



In the coming weeks, ODM will hold informational webinars for stakeholders on this updated process. The following documents review the changes, and ODM encourages providers to review them before the webinar, to generate questions and maximize the utility of each webinar. 

Please note: these documents are not final and may be subject to change prior to the webinar date.

Webinars, staffed by ODM employees, will be held at the following times:


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